I guess you gotta start somewhere

Can we do anything about the world? Google images - rights reserved
Can we do anything about the world?
Google images – rights reserved

I know this is a rant page, but I don’t want it to always be rant-like but hey-ho, first post has to at least live up to its title, right? Right.

Now where do I start…fixing the world maybe? Don’t you feel so powerless sometimes? Dont you just want a quick fix to solve the issues and mishaps of the world? I don’t know, end poverty, end war, end corruption, end extremism on every side of the spectrum? Don’t you feel like every idea you could possibly provide has been provided or you have no way of providing it because a) no-one wants to listen to you or b) some people just don’t want a solution and would rather continue bad situations? Don’t you feel that everybody has a counter-argument to absolutely everything and this is the reason that things mess up? Start with the simplest yet most complicated issue of the modern day..

Peace for Israel and Palestine?

– End the 68 year old illegal occupation

– Stop building settlements

– Provide a Palestinian state with E.Jerusalem as its captial


Seems logical when you’re in your bedroom thousands of miles away from the front-line, unaware of feelings and emotions and histories and COMPLICATIONS faced by those who actually live there but really? Why not allow the Palestinans the right to exist, co-exist in fact, Israelis and Palestinians, stop breeding hate and just live. If everybody on that piece of land was able to live side-by-side, peacefully, observe their religious beliefs independently and stop killing each other – peace would ensue around the rest of the region too!! Most violence occurs as retaliations. Retaliation to the break of a ceasefire, the death of a child, more settlements, more air raids – why can there not be even an ounce of humane acknowledgement that each side is simply a large group of living breathing human beings and that some are just armoured a little better.

I guess there is a lot of outside relations that must be considered before any form peace is observed – and of course, an unbiased eye wouldn’t go amiss. But that’s for a history textbook, not a rant page.

Also, these so-called Islamic extremists that hate the West and want a Caliphate are probably what I dont understand the most and maybe thats because they are miss-represented as ‘Islamic’ (or are they just plain stupid?). What about the corrupt leaders from the peaks of Western democracy to the cabinet ministers in flipping Pakistan –  why cant money be kept out of politics and their sordid efforts to swing votes and instead be used to not just feed the poor but sustain the poor and make them UN-POOR. Why is there such a large gap between rich and poor – why does everything come down to money? or power? Why are illiteracy rates so high? Maybe solutions would be found if we could view issues from a different perspective and maybe this could be done if leaders and civilians of the nations with the poorest literacy rates would place it upon themselves to educate their people. Maybe those people have the solutions the educated West and East are unable to conjure. I don’t think the West should be expected to relieve the poor of Africa or solve the illnesses of Asia, I think its up these continents to produce this themselves and the only way this can be done is if they CARED for their own people and made it their duty to sustain them as opposed to reap as much hand-outs as they can from the West. Maybe.

But who knows, like I said, everyone has a counter-argument. Maybe these are complicated issues that can never be solved because they are too ‘complicated’ or maybe there have been solutions but they are not being shared for absurd reasons. Who knows. All I know is you could either sit back and watch the tiny little bit of the world you can see take its course, or you could rant about it in my comments box. Who knows where either option will get you.
